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To help reduce the insurance premiums you pay for protecting your motorcycle, securing the bike is one of the most popular methods. The insurance providers check your steps to prevent your bike from being stolen. Your motorcycle should be protected with sophisticated security systems. You can get decent discounts from the provider with sufficient security devices installed.

What follows are five different types of security devices for bikes that may substantially reduce the premiums you pay on comprehensive and theft insurance.

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Insurance Provider is Available with Security Devices Installed in Bike

The standard form of protection, a lock, is generally a small device that wraps around the brake pad or other location on the motorcycle for immobilization.

Bike locks are crafted from tool steel, making them difficult to remove without the key or combination.

The advantage of standard locks is that they are small and easy to carry and provide an obvious deterrence. However, thieves can chop through any lock with the right cutting tools if they have the time.

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This form of protection is similar to a chain and padlock, except this is an all-in-one device. The cable wraps around the body of the bike and is an immovable object. The locking device may use a key or combination. Often, the cable is covered with a hard substance, making cutting tools less effective. However, cables can be cut, and they also can be heavy and difficult to carry around.


This is one of the most common forms of security protection for motorcycles as it is easy to install and will react to your motorcycle being started or just moved from its position. Several alarm brands offer features such as tilt sensors, remote control, and the like. However, if there is an issue with alarms, they may go off when the bike is not being threatened. Just like car alarms, many motorcycle alarms may be ignored by others if you are out of earshot and your bike is stolen.


An immobilizer is a device that prevents the motorcycle from functioning until the proper code or key is entered. Essentially, the motorcycle is useless as a transportation device until the immobilizer is overcome. Immobilizers are generally small, easy to carry, and very effective in preventing quick theft. However, immobilizers do not prevent a bike from being picked up and placed into the back of a truck, so it is not effective under all circumstances and generally needs the support of an alarm system for better protection.

Chains and Padlock

This is arguably the most traditional method of preventing motorcycle theft. The chain or cable wraps around the body of the bike and a solid, immovable object such as a street lamppost and is secured with a padlock. This protection is generally very inexpensive and can dissuade a thief who is not prepared to do more than jump on the bike and take off. However, this form of protection is arguably among the worst security devices for motorcycles because the chain or cable can easily be cut with the right tool and removed in seconds.

Finding the right motorcycle anti-theft device starts with checking with your insurance company to see which one will provide a discount. After that, you will need to employ the device or devices every time you park your bike. So, installing security devices on bikes can be considered an investment for getting discounts from insurance providers.

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Mike Navarette has more than a decade of experience in the auto insurance industry, but that's not his true passion. He loves getting on a motorcycle to explore roads he's never traveled. You'll find Mike in the garage working on something when he isn't helping clients or leaning into curves. It's sometimes a side hustle, more often a favor, but it keeps his hands busy doing something productive. Since the first time his father strapped on his helmet and took him for a ride, Mike has loved bikes. That passion, along with a desire to help others through a deep understanding of insurance policies, led to the creation of Motorcycle Ride Coverage.

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